On the basis of the logo customer creates an association to your product / company and so you subconsciously save the brand into customer mind. There is no need to underestimate this very important role that a logo carries. JIt is proven that when you show a customer two identical products and only one is ,,branded", customer always believe the branded product is better.

The vast majority of brands has a short, simply name and distinctive logo! If you want to do business more successful or product more interesting, let's do it!


In each of logo that I design I'm trying to bring the soul and the nature of the business/product. Every logo is uniqueness. If you want best logo a two-sided communication is necessary ...

  1. Zašlete mi podklady, stručný opis firmy /druhu podnikania, či produktu ( čohokoľvek, čo by sa dalo využiť pri tvorbe idei loga )
  2. Ja Vám v priebehu pár dní zašlem prvotné návrhy aj s komentárom ( vysvetlivkami, ako a prečo, čo symbolizuje logo a pod. )

  3. Vy mi spätne zašlete svoje postrehy, komentáre, v podstate to čo by ste chceli upraviť.

  4. Upravím návrh podľa Vašich požiadaviek, poprípade Vám môžem aj poradiť a pošlem vám finálne návrhy ( náhľadová forma) * 

  5. Po obojstrannej konzultácii a Vašej spokojnosti s logom prebehne platba

  6. Po uskutočnení platby Vám zašlem originálne formáty loga v plnej kvalite.

* the edits to the logo are limited, the basis is 4 rounds, another adjustments are paid


If you already have your logo, but after time it seems unfashionable or simply it calls for a little recovery I will make redesign of your logo for you 

  • Ponechám myšlienku a zachovám identitu  firmy
  • Inovujem staré logo bez toho, aby si museli zákazníci zvykať na niečo úplne nové

  • Ako sa vyvíja Vaša firma tak sa vývoj odrazí aj na ,,novom!" logu.

The design process is the same as when I creating a logo :)

I want my logo!